
          The 7 secrets to success in field trials for crop residue analysis

          Seven top tips for ensuring field trial success
          The success of field trials can be enhanced by following some simple rules:
          Site the trials to maximize diversity: select different countries and locations for your field trials to reflect the variations that occur in climate and farming practice throughout Europe. As a general rule, a minimum of eight trials per major crop are required, and if the registration is pan-European, then these eight trials must be done in both northern and southern Europe.
          Mimic farming practices used in real life: use the kind of equipment which would simulate that used commercially for PPP applications and usual farming practices.
          Ensure the crop is healthy at baseline and without potential problems.
          Optimize sample handling
          : ensure that samples are collected and frozen as soon as possible after sampling and at least within six hours. Maintain frozen conditions until samples are returned to the laboratory for analysis and ensure the timing of the analysis reflects the stability of the sample.
          Have a team with diverse expertise: have a team with expertise in agriculture and analytics ensures the studies are designed to account for growing seasons, geographical diversity and any conditions specific for optimal sampling and chemical analysis.
          Plan ahead:  forward planning.
          Be flexible: by have access to a wide geographic spread of field capacity which you can flex, you can easily run studies in northern and southern Europe as required and under very diverse conditions.

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